Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bee Stings, Pirates and Buried Treasure

Friday night was a new experience. When I came back inside from my stroll in the garden, my eyelid was all puffy and my nose was starting to look a little lopsided. I immediately thought the worst, that I was going to have to wear an eyepatch for the rest of my life. While that look might work for some dogs, I just couldn’t picture myself wearing one. We placed a frantic call to Dr. Heaton, my veterinarian, who was kind enough to take an after-hours call.

He diagnosed my problem over the phone: I must have been bitten by a bee while sniffing around the garden. Dr. Heaton said he treats a number of bee stings in cooler weather when bees aren’t as active. (Apparently, bees don’t like to be sniffed.) He recommended one half of a Benadryl to counter my reaction to the sting and reassured us that I wouldn’t have to wear the patch. 

After the call, I had a peanut butter and Benadryl snack and then started feeling drowsy.  There was an David Pogue article about cameras that I was interested in, but I just couldn’t keep my eyes open. So, I gathered some of my toys and drifted off to a fitful night’s sleep dreaming of pirates and buried treasure. 

1 comment:

CorgiTales said...

Poor little puppy! Bee stings can be scarey and do interesting things to a puppy's face. :o)